The Freedom of Information Act requires school districts to make certain documents available for inspection. This law is intended to insure that the district is meeting all regulations and guidelines regarding reporting procedures and safety requirements. Any reference to policy refers to our Board of Education Policy Manual located on our website: BOE Information / Policy Manual
- Child Abuse Hotline – If you suspect Child Abuse or Maltreatment call the NYS toll free hotline: 1-800-342-3720 / Es usted sospecha abuso o maltrato llame a nuestro numero gratuito en todo el estado numero de telefono: 1-800-342-3720
- The District has appointed a Compliance Officer for resolving complaints regarding Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
- Annual Professional Performance Review of teachers and principals. Under New York Education Law section 3012-c, parents have the right to access the composite APPR score for their child’s teacher and principal. (Policies 6130 & 6212)
- Copies of the management plan regarding the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act are on file in the District Office. (Policy 5630)
- A plain-language summary of the district's attendance policy will be distributed to parents at the beginning of the school year. (Policy 7110)
- The annual Audit was performed and is on file in the District Office.
- The District has appointed a Chemical Hygiene Officer.
- Child Find Requirements Pursuant to Federal and State law of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Article 89 of the New York State Education Law, the Clarence School District seeks to locate, identify, evaluate, and maintain information about all children with disabilities residing within the district, including those attending private schools. Parents or legal guardians who believe their child has a handicapping condition and may be in need of special services should contact the Director of Special Education.
- The District participates in various ‘Child Nutrition Programs’ and disseminates information to parents at the beginning of the school year.
- Code of Conduct: A plain-language summary of the code of conduct will be distributed to all parents. This summary, along with a copy of the complete code, is available upon request. (Policies 3410 & 7310)
- Under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, certain information known as "Directory Information" may be released for non-commercial purposes without prior written consent. Directory information is identified as information that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Directory information may include a student's name, names of parents or legal guardians, grade designation, participation in school extracurricular activities, achievements, awards and honors, and relevant statistics and personal data of members of an athletic team or other school-sponsored activity. If you wish to refuse permission for the release of any or all directory information described above, you must notify the District in writing by September 30. Please submit your request to opt out of the release of directory information to the building principal of your child's school. (Policies 7240, 7241 & 7250) Please Note: Although not considered directory information, photographs, video or audio recordings, or electronic images of students may be used without prior consent in order to publicize or promote a school district program. If you wish to refuse permission for the use of your child's photograph, video or audio recording, or electronic images in district publications, media releases or the District Web site, you must notify the building principal of your child's school in writing by September 30. No identifying information is used in conjunction with student photos posted to the District's Web site.
- In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the ‘Dignity for all Students Act’ the Clarence Central School District does not discriminate on the basis of disability. No qualified student with a disability shall, on the basis of that disability, be denied access to any of the District's educational programs or activities. The District's designated compliance officer who coordinates the nondiscrimination requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is the Director of Special Education.
- Copies of the Emergency Management Plan including building based emergency response plans are present in all district schools.
- In compliance with Title IX of the Educational Amendment of 1972, the Clarence Central School District provides equal access to all its educational programs and activities regardless of sex, race, color, national origin, or disability. No student will be excluded on such basis from participating in or having access to any course offerings, student athletics, counseling services, extracurricular activities, or other school resources. The District's designated compliance officer who coordinates the nondiscrimination requirements is the Curriculum Coordinator.
- The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student records. The Act affords parents or legal guardians of a child under 18 years of age or students or former students over 18 years of age the right to inspect, review, and challenge information and data in the student's educational record file. A request for access to a student's school records must be submitted in writing to the District. Upon receipt of a request, arrangements will be made to provide access to the student's records within a reasonable amount of time, but not more than 45 days after the request has been received. Student records are confidential and may not be released or made available to persons other than parents or students without the written consent of such parents or students with the exception of "Directory Information." (Policies 7240, 7241 & 7250)
- The District participates in the federally funded breakfast and lunch program and provides free or reduced priced meals to qualified District students. Information on this program is sent home with every child during the first week of school. Additional copies are available at each school. Children participating in this program will not be identified. Meals will be served to them in the same manner as they are to all students in order to maintain confidentiality. (Policy 5660)
- Emergency & Fire Drills are conducted annually in accordance with Section 807 Paragraph 2 of New York State Education Law.
- The annual Fire Inspections were performed in accordance with all existing New York State fire regulations.
- Certain district records are available for public inspection and copying in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. Records available for inspection in accordance with the law may be inspected after an application for Public Access to Records form is completed and returned to the Records Access Officer. Records may be inspected in the presence of authorized school personnel during the regular workday. Copies may be obtained for a fee. Please call 407-9100.
- The Clarence School District has an established grievance procedure for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging discrimination based on sex or disability. For information regarding the District's grievance procedure or questions about the District's policy in regard to Title IX or Section 504, please contact The Superintendent of Schools, 9625 Main Street, Clarence, NY 14031, telephone 407-9100.
- Health information privacy, under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) the District must provide notice of its privacy practices with regard to protected health information.
- Parents of homeless students and unaccompanied youths-youths not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian have the right to attend the school they previously attended or to attend school in the district of current location. Homeless children have the right to be enrolled even though the admission requirements have not been completed and prior student records are not available, and they have the right to transportation to and from school. To contact our homeless liaison please call our special education office. (Policy 7131)
- The District has posted educational material regarding influenza. If you would like additional information please contact your child’s school nurse.
- Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a systematic approach to managing pests with an emphasis on long-term prevention or suppression with minimal impact on the environment and non-target organisms. Our strategies for managing pest populations, should they develop, will be based on the pest species and whether that species poses a threat to students, staff, property, or the environment. The District currently utilizes various outside companies to provide inspections, monitoring, and recommendations to assist us in our response actions. At this time we do not anticipate the application of any pesticides in the District. If a situation should occur, we will provide 48-hour notification before an application is made to all individuals requesting such information. If you wish to receive prior notification or if you have any questions about the IPM program, please contact the Superintendent of Buildings & Grounds. (Policy 5631)
- Within 30 days of the start of the school year, parents will be notified if their child is participating in, or eligible for a language instruction program for limited English-proficient students. Parents will be notified within two weeks after placement if the child is placed in such a program after the beginning of the school year. Parents will be advised of their rights, including their right to decline their child's enrollment in the program.
- Parents and their children have the right to request that the District not release the child's name, address and telephone number to military recruiters without prior written consent. (Policies 7240, 7241 & 7250)
- Districts will distribute to parents of Title 1 students a copy of the District's and the school's parental involvement policies.
- As part of the Common Core Implementation Reform Act each educational agency must publish a parent’s bill of rights for data privacy and security.
- Promotion and placement information regarding the Common Core Implementation Act may be accessed through the office of curriculum. (Policy 7210)
- The District has appointed a Records Management Officer.
- The Safe Schools Against Violence in Education Law (SAVE) and Commissioner of Education regulations require school districts establish a district wide school safety plan. In order to provide a safe and secure environment, the Clarence Central School District adopted a comprehensive plan that outlines specific actions and responses to any crisis or emergency. A committee consisting of various school personnel, community members, parents, students, and police and fire officials developed the Plan.
- Schools receiving Title 1 funds will notify parents of their right to request and receive information regarding the professional staff qualifications of their child's classroom teachers and teaching assistants.
- The District has appointed a Title IX Compliance Officer.
- Each parent has the right to contact the Director or Assistant Director of Special Education (Phone number 407-9100) to obtain information regarding a referral or a potential referral and evaluation of their child for the purposes of special education programs or services.
- A request for Special Education Services when enrolled in a non-public school must be made to the School District's Special Education Director by June 1st for the upcoming school year.
- Sex Offender Registry Link:
- If you are interested in the Free Summer Food Service Program please call 1-800-522-5006 or 518-486-1086 for more information.
- The following link is for New York State Education Department ESSA-Funded Programs Complaint Procedures:
- Please note the Board of Education Policy that details each of the following items:
- Acceptable Use Policy and Use of Email in The District – Policy 6410
- Budget & Election – Policies 1610, 1611, 1630, 1640, & 1650
- Immunizations – Policy 7511
- Leaves of Absence – FMLA & USERRA – Policy 6551
- Non-Discrimination & Anti-Harassment – Policies 3420 & 7550
- Student Physicals – Policy 7250
- Wellness – Policy 5661