Find Support
- Mental Health Providers at the FSC
- Mental Health Providers in the Community
- Basic Needs (Food, Clothing, etc.)
- Medication Management
- Grief and Loss
- Substance Use and Addiction
- Disordered Eating / Body Image
- Health Care and Medical
- Advocacy Organizations
- Clarence Civic Organizations
Mental Health Providers at the FSC
Mental Health Providers in the Community
Basic Needs (Food, Clothing, etc.)
Medication Management
Grief and Loss
Substance Use and Addiction
Disordered Eating / Body Image
Health Care and Medical
Advocacy Organizations
Clarence Civic Organizations
Erie Path is Erie County's new smartphone app that helps parents and caregivers address the mental and behavioral health challenges faced by children and adolescents.
Find available programs and services for children and adolescents
Access information that explains what their children and adolescents may face
Explore practical strategies for helping children and adolescents in their care
Erie Path also includes resources for adult mental and behavioral health services, information for housing, employment, childcare, food pantries, medical care, social services and senior services that can benefit adults and caregivers.
Virtual Calming Room
Feeling stressed? Anxious? Need to take a moment to calm and refresh yourself?
The CHS Support Team created this wonderful resource for the community that focuses on Mindfulness, calming techniques, apps for devices, and much more!