When To Keep A Child Home
When To Keep A Child Home
Remember, whenever your child will be absent from school, please call the Attendance first thing in the morning and leave a message to report your child’s absence. A written note is required within three days upon their return. The note should include the child’s name, grade, teacher, and reason for absence.
Clarence Center Attendance: 407-9151 Sheridan Hill Attendance: 407-9251
Harris Hill Attendance: 407-9185 Ledgeview Attendance: 407-9278
Middle School Attendance: 407-9209 High School Attendance: 407-9026
Please remind your child to report to the nurse if they are not feeling well or have been injured. Your child will be assessed and the nurse will then contact a parent/guardian.
The student should not determine on their own, without consulting the school nurse about their ability to go home.
Fever: If a student has a temperature of 100 degrees or more, parents should keep their children home. Often temperature rises during the day. A slight fever in the morning will get much higher by noon. If they have 100 degrees or more fever at school, parents will be called to come to pick up their child. They need to be fever free without taking medication for 24 hours.
Vomiting and diarrhea: Keep them home! Often children will feel better after vomiting, but will quickly become ill again. Keep them home until they are free of symptoms for at least 24 hours after the last episode of vomiting and/or diarrhea.
Cough and Cold: Staying home is necessary when there is constant nasal drainage/sneezing and/or a significant uncontrolled cough that makes the child uncomfortable, disrupts the class or if the child is unable to consistently cover their mouth. Further, a sore throat that is severe, and accompanied by a fever may require a doctor visit.
All Antibiotic treatment: If your child is on antibiotics for a communicable disease, such as strep throat, pink eye, etc, keep them home until they have been on the antibiotics for a full 24 hours. If they need to continue on antibiotic treatment at school, be sure to follow the school’s medication policy
The exception would be for pertussis (whooping cough). They need to stay home for 5 full days of antibiotic treatment before returning to school.
Pink eye: Only a doctor can diagnosis whether it is viral or bacterial. Bacterial pink eye needs to be treated with antibiotics, usually eye drops for 24 hours before returning to school. Students should not attend school until the discharge has resolved.
Rash: Any undiagnosed rash must be evaluated by a primary care provider and deemed non-contagious. Please provide a note to the nurse.
Impetigo & Ringworm: may return 24 hours after treatment starts. Areas should be covered when the student returns to school.
Head lice: Once children with head lice have been treated and had the nits carefully removed from their heads, they can return to school. When they return, parents are to bring them to the health office to have their heads checked before going to class. They will be examined again at intervals to make sure no head lice were missed.
Surgery, Major illness, or an Accident: Should your child have surgery, major illness, or an accident please notify the School Nurse so that we may assist with safe and appropriate care upon return to school