Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Kind
- Raise your hand to respond
- Listen to and follow directions
- Use an appropriate voice level
- Be prepared with daily assignments and supplies
- Clean up after yourself and take care of your belongings
- Use good manners
- Use words to solve problems
- Keep silent while walking or waiting
- Keep voices to a level 0 or 1
- Face forward, walking on the right
- Keep hallway clean and clear
- Keep hands and feet to yourself
- Be aware of others in the hallway
- Be courteous and patient while waiting in line
- Listen to and follow directions of all adults
- Keep voices to a level 1 or 2
- Clean up after yourself
- Control your body
- Take care of your personal belongings
- Say "please" and "thank you"
- Welcome others to your table
- Give others privacy
- Keep voices to a level 1 or 2
- Wash your hand thoroughly
- Keep bathrooms neat
- Report unsafe and unkind actions
- Listen to adults and follow directions
- Keep voices to a level 2
- Use appropriate language
- Face forward, stay seated
- Take care of belongings and take them when you leave
- Walk to and from the bus
- Be friendly to others and encourage others to do the same
- Say "hello" and "thank you" to your driver
- Take turns
- Be a good sport
- Follow game rules
- Use playground equipment safely
- Follow rules for the playground
- Include others when playing
- Report unsafe and unkind actions
- Use words to solve problems
- Use whole body listening
- Follow directions of adults
- Be ready to participate
- Enter/leave in a calm manner
- Face forward and stay in your own space
- Clap to show appreciation
Field Trips
- Speak respectfully to adults and peers
- Represent our school proudly
- Follow bus rules
- Stay with chaperone
- Respond appropriately
- Listen and watch