Welcome to the Internship Experience
"The mission of our internship experience is to develop a foundation
for career development with the focus on partnerships in the community."
for career development with the focus on partnerships in the community."
Benefits for the Student
Opportunities to gain knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for successful employment in an occupation area
Interactions with role models, who exemplify the values, attitudes, and performance required for success in that field
An opportunity to explore educational requirements, current trends, and the career outlook in a specific career pathway
Benefits for Employers
Help create a pool of skilled and motivated potential employees
Improve employee retention
Reduce training/recruiting costs
Enable organizations to develop new projects with student assistance
Encourage involvement in the curriculum development process
Provide development opportunities for the current workforce
Offer opportunities to provide community service
Energize the work force
Entrench your business in the community
Benefits for the Community
Create an environment of collaboration and cooperation
Encourage respect and tolerance between different cultures or groups
Build the foundation for more productive economy
Demonstrate a community wide commitment to lifelong learning