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Welcome to the Internship Experience


"The mission of our internship experience is to develop a foundation
for career development with the focus on partnerships in the community."


Benefits for the Student
  • Opportunities to gain knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for successful employment in an occupation area
  • Interactions with role models, who exemplify the values, attitudes, and performance required for success in that field
  • An opportunity to explore educational requirements, current trends, and the career outlook in a specific career pathway
Benefits for Employers
  • Help create a pool of skilled and motivated potential employees
  • Improve employee retention
  • Reduce training/recruiting costs
  • Enable organizations to develop new projects with student assistance
  • Encourage involvement in the curriculum development process
  • Provide development opportunities for the current workforce
  • Offer opportunities to provide community service
  • Energize the work force
  • Entrench your business in the community
Benefits for the Community
  • Create an environment of collaboration and cooperation
  • Encourage respect and tolerance between different cultures or groups
  • Build the foundation for more productive economy
  • Demonstrate a community wide commitment to lifelong learning