Library Procedures, Expectations, and Guidelines
- Students must report to scheduled study hall prior to coming to the library
- Students will be dismissed from study hall
- Students MUST have a pass to enter the library
- During lunch periods students will need a pass to come to the library
- Students will sign in using the CHS Library Digital Sign-In Google Form
- Links on Schoology, Clever and QR Code
- Students must sign-in for study hall attendance
- Complete all questions on the form
- Maximum of about 30 students will be allowed in the library
- 2 Students allowed at the round tables
- 4 Students allowed at the long tables
- Students are expected to have a specific, directed, and productive learning purpose
- Examples:
- Reading and studying
- Researching and using library databases
- Completing classroom assignments
- Using library technology (PCs, Chromebooks, Content Creation Kits)
- Playing chess or coloring quietly
- Examples:
- More expectations (from the Student Handbook):
- Work quietly
- The library is a large shared space and sound travels between upper and lower levels
- Come prepared
- Remain on task
- Have respect for students, library staff, supervising teachers, and library materials (books, magazines) and equipment (computers, laptops, Chromebook)
- Work quietly