Accounting & Business Dynamics (AOBF)
This course provides students with the basic knowledge of accounting procedures including: analyzing and journalizing business transactions, work sheets, preparing financial statements and recording, adjusting and closing entries. Checking accounts, payroll accounting and an introduction to computerized accounting systems is also included. Emphasis is placed on service and merchandising business in a sole proprietorship or corporate setting. An understanding of accounting practices can be a benefit to students in their personal finances as well as those planning to major in business. While not required, students can choose to earn college credit for the course through SUNY Erie. Teachers will assist in registering for the college portion of the course.
Grades 10, 11, 12
Full year subject
1 unit of credit
School exam
Advertising & PR
Advertising and public relations are essential to help businesses effectively communicate their products to customers and generate interest and sales. It also helps the consumers build trust, remind them of the value the product or service provides, and ensure the business stays relevant in a changing market. The course will cover the online, radio, TV and print advertisements and allow students to collaborate with each to create projects on these topics and more to develop a better business understanding and refine their communication skills. Additionally, students will learn how businesses incorporate social media marketing for successful sales and customer relationship building. Media tools used within this course include internet-based graphic creators and social media (blogs, X, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest). Students will set up accounts for these tools using their Google account information for educational purposes only and may not be utilized for personal use.
1 semester subject
½ unit of credit
Exam: Local
Business & Personal Law
Niagara Univ. - Law 205
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of business and personal law. Topics include: constitutional, statutory, case and administrative laws, laws for minors, civic and criminal law, court jurisdictions, trial procedures, forensic science, contract law, consumer law, employment law, family law, property law including realty and landlord/tenant relationships, car insurance. Legal knowledge is applied in a fun and meaningful way through debate, guest speakers and the mock trial process. Students are encouraged to participate in the Erie County Mock Trial Team or Law Club to gain "real life experience." While not required, juniors and seniors can choose to earn college credit for the course through Niagara University (NUSTEP). Teachers will assist in registering for the college portion of the course. Waivers are available for students enrolled in the free or reduced lunch program.
Grades 9, 10, 11, 12
Full year subject
1 unit of credit
School exam
Careers and Financial Management (AOBF)
This is the first course students take in the Academy of Business and Finance Program and provides students with the opportunity to learn about career development, options beyond high school, and the skills and competencies needed for success in the workplace. Students will develop financial literacy as they learn about the function of finance in society, budgeting, money management, credit and loans, investing, insurance, and taxes.
Grade 9, 10, 11, 12
1 semester subject
½ unit of credit
School exam
College Business Law
SUNY Erie - PA 205
This course is intended to teach students a variety of laws that affect the world of business and personal life. Topics include: copyright laws, agency relationships, employment laws, consumer laws, credit and family laws and corporate law. Students are encouraged to participate in the Erie County Mock Trial Team or Law Club to gain "real life experience." While not required, students can choose to earn college credit for the course through SUNY Erie. Teachers will assist in registering for the college portion of the course.
Grades 10, 11, 12
Full year subject
1 unit of credit
School exam
Prerequisite: Business & Personal Law
This course provides students with the skills needed to be successful in a constantly changing workplace. Students study entrepreneurship as a career choice, learning how to start, own, and manage a business. Topics covered include economics, entrepreneurship as a career, developing an idea, marketing, finance, competition, supplier management, communication, and ethical and legal issues. Students develop an understanding of the importance of entrepreneurship and small business to the economy. Students are involved in a variety of activities including listening to guest speakers, doing research, examining the Internet and developing a basic business plan for a business of their choice.
Grades 9, 10, 11, 12
1 semester subject
½ unit of credit
Final Project
Ethics in Business (AOBF)
This course introduces the importance of ethics in business. Students focus on the significance of ethics to stakeholders; examine who bears responsibility for monitoring ethics; and explore ethical situations common in organizations. Students examine how ethics affects various business disciplines and consider the impact of organizational culture. Students also explore ethics as social responsibility, the evolution of ethics in international business, and how the free market and ethics can coexist.
Grade 12
1 semester subject
½ unit of credit
Final project/ exam
Prerequisite: AOBF Careers and Financial Management
Investments & Financial Services (AOBF)
SUNY Erie - BU 233
Financial Planning provides students with an overview of the job of a financial planner. Students learn to consider how all aspects of financial planning might affect a potential client, and learn about the importance of financial planning in helping people reach their life goals. This course includes lessons on saving, borrowing, credit, and all types of insurance, and covers various types of investments. While not required, students can choose to earn college credit for the course through SUNY Erie. Teachers will assist in registering for the college portion of the course.
Grade 12
1 semester subject
½ unit of credit
Final project
Prerequisite: AOBF Careers and Financial Management
Introduction to Business
This course provides students with the necessary skills to be successful in business. Students will study business terminology, concepts and current business issues. The goal is to develop critical and analytical thinking skills as well as to develop an understanding of business decision-making competence used in the workplace today. This course will also help you establish your direction and choice of a career in business and to become a productive citizen who will be able to contribute and compete in an ever-changing global environment.
Grade 9, 10. 11, 12
1 semester subject
½ unit of credit
School exam
Canisius College - MKTG 201
This course introduces you to marketing strategy, product development and innovation, integrated marketing communication, market planning, market segmentation, targeting positioning, international marketing and service marketing, sales and advertising. In this course you will learn the importance of the "marketing concept" and its crucial role in successful companies. Instructional activities include case studies, current event analysis, research and discussion, demonstrations and guest speakers. This class is articulated with Canisius College for college credit. All students must take the college course credit.
Grades 11, 12
1 semester subject
½ unit of credit
School exam
Business Applications - Microsoft Office (AOBF)
This course places emphasis on the study of major microcomputer applications: word processing, spreadsheets, databases and presentations. Students will study microcomputer operating system fundamentals. Students can prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification with training in Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Access. While not required, students can choose to earn college credit for the course through SUNY Erie. Teachers will assist in registering for the college portion of the course.
Grades 9, 10, 11, 12
1 semester subject
½ unit of credit
Microsoft Office User Specialist Certification exam
The Teamship Experience (AOBF NAF approved alternative internship)
This is a unique class that offers a hands-on approach to solving real-world problems. Students will learn a new framework and develop the skill set to solve real problems for an actual business. Students will experience guest speakers, working with business professionals, shadow opportunities and connecting with professionals to help you explore careers. This learn-by-doing model allows students to work with their peers building communication and interpersonal relationship skills while building a collective mindset to effectively solve problems. Upon successful completion of both cycles, this can count toward an alternative internship experience toward your NAF requirement. This class is only available to AOBF members.
Grades 11, 12
1 semester subject
½ unit of credit