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AP Latin

AP Latin Summer Instructions:
June 2024

Salvete Omnes!

I’m glad that you are interested in taking AP Latin. For more than 20 years we’ve offered this class, and it has been very rewarding. Keep all of the materials for Vergil and Caesar that we did in class this year. In order to be ready for the year to begin in September, you must:

           1.  Memorize all words that appear 25+ times in Vergil. This is a blue handout that you should have.
                These words will be tested on the first day.

           2.  Review and memorize the noun chart of all 5 declensions. This will also be tested on the first day.

           3.  Review verb forms.

           4.  Review the reading of books 1-2 of the Aeneid in English. You should have a copy of the book.
                If you don’t yet, make sure you obtain the Fagles translation (ISBN 9780143105138).

           5.  Review the lines that we have translated so far in Latin (Aeneid Book 1. 1-101;
                Book 2.40-56; Book 6.384-425, Caesar Book 1:1; Book 5.44; Book 6.16-17).

Here is some advice from this year’s AP class:
   -Try to relate the passage to something in your life, so you will remember it more easily.
    -Stay involved in translation; pick a side (Aeneas or Dido)
    -Prepare ahead a couple of pages, not just one.
    -Study for every test and quiz because it helps out in the end.
    -Class is not hard as long as you do the work and are in class as much as possible.
    -I’m glad I signed up; class was a great investment and lots of fun.
    -Do some prep work. Study charts, endings, vocab.
    -Have a buddy where you can get lines if absent.
    -Stay organized. Have a neat binder.
    -Class is a challenge, but it is so worth it.
    -Take good notes on rhetorical devices, similes, plot lines.
    -Keep trying because it will get easier.
    -I enjoyed reading and translating the Aeneid way more than I thought I would.
    -I doubted we could do 14 lines per day; now it seems like a breeze.

Please let me know via email ( if you have any questions.


Ms. Grasha

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