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Homework Policy

Homework Requests

After two days of absence, parents may call their student’s house office by 10:00 am to request homework. In most cases, work will be accessible on Schoology and students can keep up with missed work on Schoology by checking current folders, the calendar, and teacher agendas.

Homework Policy Page

Missing Assignment Plan

Our goal is to help students find academic success. To achieve this, middle school students need support around task completion and organization. The plan outlined below details a progressive approach to assisting students.

  • Teachers may assign students to lunchtime supports to catch up on work. Students who do not comply with these requests will be referred to administration.
  • Teachers will contact home if lunchtime supports are not enough or becoming too regular.
  • When the above steps do not work, students will be referred to the house office to be put on a Work Completion Plan. Work Completion Plans are coordinated by grade level counselors and will involve appropriate staff to support a student with increased interventions.