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Dear Parents,
  Welcome to the 2018 - 2019 school year at the Harris Hill Library!
  •  Please make sure that your child(ren) return all of their books on the morning of library class. They may return books early, however, if a student forgets any of their books on library day, they may not get new ones until the previous books have been returned.  No child will be made to feel badly for forgetting a book and all will have an alternate activity to do during book selection time.
  • If a child returns their late books the day after library, we will do our best to make sure that child has an opportunity to select new books.  Unfortunately, sometimes due to the constraints of a school day that isn't possible.
  • Students may renew a book if they have not had an opportunity to finish it before the next library class. The library reserves the right to not renew a book if that book has been renewed multiple times without progress being made to finish it or if there is a waiting list.
  • Books that are a month or more late are considered "lost" and as such, a "bill" will be sent home.  This bill can simply serve as a notice to return the late book if the book hasn't actually been lost. Books that are truly lost can be replaced via the instructions included on the bill.
  • Kindergarteners may check out 2 books
  • First, Second and Third graders may check out 3 books.
  • Fourth and Fifth graders may check out 4 books.
  • Classes in Kindergarten through Third grade have library class scheduled weekly.
  • Fourth and Fifth graders have book exchange scheduled, with additional class time available for enrichment.
Thank you and have a wonderful school year!
Mrs. Danielle Pari

image source:
Library Image